Free Audio Downloads
Mindfulness exercises to help you quiet your mind and body. Do not use while driving.
Mindful Sitting Meditation (15-min.), a recording by Kim Roser-Kedward
Body Scan Meditation (15-min.), a recording by Kim Roser-Kedward
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Recommended Reading
The Body Keeps The Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma, by Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.
Debt-Proof Living, Mary Hunt–highly recommended for The Rapid-Debt Repayment Plan, The Freedom Account, and of course The Contingency Fund.
Raising Financially Confident Kids, Mary Hunt–teaches you how to talk to your children about money, discusses important financial boundaries, and offers a well-thought-out plan for how to handle a child’s allowance.
Intellectual Foreplay, Eve Hogan–recommended reading before and during dating to clarify your relationship/dating goals and to get to know your potential relationship partner faster before making a big commitment.
Apps & Websites
Eating Disorders-RR Recovery Eating Disorder Management
Move! Weight Management–program for Veterans and resources for non-Veterans, including a free app.—fantastic, short educational videos on the role of nutrition on many health concerns!
Sesame Street–Military Family Resources for dealing with divorce, moving, dealing, and incarceration.
Veterans–online support or apps for a variety of topics from Parenting to PTSD